Hypnotherapy for Stress Management 


Why do we experience stress?

Stress is a natural part of life and helps us to complete our day to day duties and commitments. For example, if we aren’t stressed about turning up late for work, then we would lay in bed too long and potentially risk our job and livelihood. Instead what happens is we experience a feeling of stress that we may be late and our brain kicks us into action - raising blood pressure, pulse rate, energy levels, muscle strength and mental activity to enable us to act quickly.

Stress can become a problem when we are experiencing too many stressors at once and we don’t have the skills in place to manage stress effectively. This can result in a feeling of being overwhelmed and out of control. If over-stress is not dealt with quickly, the symptoms of stress can escalate to cause other issues such as anxiety and depression. Everyone will experience stress differently; some of us are able to handle stressful situations better than others and some people find things overwhelming that another person wouldn’t. This doesn’t negate our feelings, handling stress is learnt behaviour and anyone can be taught to do it.

Being overstressed for a long period of time can have serious negative effects on our mental and physical health. It can cause depression, overeating or undereating, excessive drinking, reckless driving, heart problems, high blood pressure and many other health issues. Stress can creep up on us over time; we may feel in control of our stress until gradually we start to lose control and one day we wake up feeling overwhelmed and wonder how we got here. 


Signs of being overstressed

  • Unable to relax

  • Excessive eating

  • Consistent body tension

  • Insomnia

  • Low appetite

  • Digestive issues

  • Road rage

  • Overspending

  • Loss of sex drive

  • Excessive drinking

  • Aggressive behaviour

  • Feeling agitated at small things

  • Always being in a rush or late

  • Snapping at people you love

  • Exessive smoking

  • Unable to focus on one thing at a time

Hypnotherapy for stress management

Hypnotherapy addresses unhelpful patterns of behaviour and helps you to set new perspectives. Your therapist will teach your subconscious how to deal with stressful situations in a more helpful and proactive way. This works by guiding you into a state of deep relaxation and repeating positive affirmations and suggestions to your subconscious. This enables you to abandon old methods of dealing with stress that haven’t worked for you, and adopt new ones which will help you to manage your stress instead of letting it overwhelm you. Dealing with stress is not about getting rid of all the stressors in your life, this isn’t realistic. It’s about learning new ways to manage the stress without the detrimental effects it’s having on your life, your body and your mind.