Hypnotherapy in Southampton Hampshire
Hypnotherapy is a popular treatment for the alleviation of a variety of physical and psychological symptoms. Hypnosis can be used to treat issues like anxiety, phobias, depression, lack of confidence and low self-esteem, weight management, smoking cessation, food-related issues, sexual problems, and sleep problems. Hypnosis can also help with physical issues like pain management, IBS, migraines, tinnitus and addictions.
Our friendly and professional therapists will take time in the first session to get to know you and discuss your goals and objectives. They will talk you through the hypnotherapy programme and tailor it to your specific needs.
Once you are happy and comfortable to begin the hypnosis, your therapist will ask you to relax and close your eyes. They will give you gentle instructions and guide you into a relaxed state. This state encourages your conscious mind to relax, enabling your subconscious mind to be more open to suggestions. When you are ready, they will give you suggestions which challenge any negative thoughts, feelings or behaviours and turn them into positive ones. This is done through a mixture of creating a picture or scenario in your imagination and repeating key phrases so they embed in your subconscious. Once complete, your therapist will gently encourage you out of your relaxed state and finish the session.
Common misconceptions about hypnotherapy include the thought that we enter a trance and don’t remember the session once we ‘wake up’. This is incorrect - at no time in the session will you lose control or be ‘unconscious’ and you will remember everything that happened. Many people describe hypnosis as a feeling of deep relaxation, where we are less focused on our external surroundings and instead take the time to turn our attention to our internal state.
If you’re unsure if hypnotherapy is right for you, come along and see. We offer a free initial consultation with no obligation to all of our new clients*.
“‘My consultation was invaluable, I learnt more in 10 minutes with Linnet about my issues, than I had learnt in six months of therapy with another therapist.’
Paulo Coelho
Hypnotherapy can help with lots of different physical and psychological symptoms you may be suffering with. Find out more below about the different ways we can help you.
More than 1 in 10 people will experience a disabling anxiety disorder at some stage in their life*. With the pressures we put on ourselves in modern society, it’s no wonder our levels of anxiety are increasing.
Some anxiety is normal and helps us challenge ourselves and move out of our comfort zones. When anxiety becomes a problem for us is when it is all-consuming, we feel worried about things that we didn’t use to worry about and it’s stopping us from doing things we want to do. Anxiety can be really debilitating and have a huge effect on our day to day lives, but it’s not something we have to live with.
There are several different therapy techniques that can help you overcome your anxiety. One of the most commonly used is hypnotherapy because it’s quick, effective and makes a long-lasting change to your mindset. During hypnotherapy your therapist will identify the root cause of the issue, and use deep relaxation and the power of suggestion to challenge your anxious thoughts and behaviours, alleviating them.
Counselling is also another therapy technique which can be really useful in understanding, addressing and changing your mindset around your anxiety. Your therapist will encourage you to explore your anxious thoughts, behaviours and feelings to enable you to gain back control and say goodbye to anxiety.
*Source Anxiety.org.uk
Many of us have turned to calorie control diets or ‘slimming clubs’ to lose weight and found that we are stuck in a cycle of losing and gaining. A study by the NCBI found that 85% of people on WeightWatchers plans were unsuccessful at staying at or below their target weight in the 5 years post-diet. ‘Slimming clubs’ tend to restrict certain foods and create unhealthy labels for ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods. The main reason these plans fail is that restriction can lead to binge eating which not only makes us gain weight but also internalises the belief that we are ‘bad’ because we’ve eaten ‘bad’ foods.
Hypnosis can be an effective weight-loss tool, our therapists will identify your reasons for wanting to lose weight and any underlying unhealthy thought patterns before guiding you through our unique weight loss hypnotherapy programme.
We have been helping people lose weight with hypnosis for over 15 years, our unique courses provide our clients with a long term healthy relationship with food which benefits them permanently. We’re really proud to have been recognised for our work by being featured on a number of magazines, news articles and television shows such as Channel 4’s ‘How to Lose Weight Well’ with Dr Xand Van Tulleken and Dr Phil’s ‘The Doctors’.
Most smokers are informed of the dangers of smoking, in today’s society we are well aware that smoking is the greatest single cause of illness or premature death in the UK. Unfortunately for many of us, smoking has become a vice that we feel we cannot quit. The judgement, guilt and shame associated with addiction add to our need for a coping mechanism, which sends us back to smoking in a vicious circle. 80% of smokers would be happy to never smoke another cigarette again, but they need the right support to do so.
Hypnosis is recommended by the British Medical Association to support people quit smoking; “The use of hypnosis in stop smoking therapy is the most effective help available to those who are addicted to smoking.”
Did you know we’re experts in helping people quit smoking? We have 15 years of success stories and we are part of the Smoking Cessation Centre of Excellence. Clients visit us from all over the UK and we even offer video call sessions to overseas clients.
More than 10% of people will experience a phobia at some point in their life. The topic can vary from dentists to heights, birds to spiders and fear of flying to fear of being sick - the symptoms of a phobia can restrict our lives and cause us a great deal of distress. If you have experienced a phobia, you know your fear is out of proportion to the reality of the threat, however, it feels like your subconscious panic is uncontrollable.
Hypnotherapy can begin to help you alter the beliefs of the subconscious in a safe space. This is done through deep relaxation and positive suggestions, challenging your fear or phobia to change from a negative to a positive reaction to the stimuli.
There are many reasons we can have low self-confidence and low self-esteem, past experiences and upbringing can be a factor, as well as our thinking styles and belief systems. Our day to day lives and experiences and relationships all contribute to our confidence levels. Experiencing low confidence and self-esteem can be really detrimental to our personal and professional lives because we feel we can’t achieve our goals, that no one will like us and most importantly, we don’t value ourselves.
It can be really difficult to overcome these negative thought patterns as they are so embedded in our belief system. Hypnosis can give you the power to make the shift in mindset, it can help alter belief systems and train your mind to process events in your life in a more positive way.
Hypnotherapy has the power to tap into your subconscious to bring out traits that you already possess, but have been overridden with negative thoughts.
Depression is a very common condition that presents itself in various ways and for various reasons. 3.3 out of every 100 people* is reported to have some form of depression, with 7.8 out of every 100 people* having a mix of depression and anxiety.
Depression and low mood can feel exhausting and prevent us from doing things in our lives that we enjoy. There are lots of recommended activities and guidance given on how to reduce the symptoms of depression and boost your mood like; exercise, social interaction, routine and healthy eating. However, if you are in a depressed state of mind, it can be difficult to get out of bed and get in the shower so the motivation to look after yourself in other ways can seem unachievable.
Hypnosis for depression concentrates on mindfulness and challenging the negative inner voice through positive suggestion. Your therapist will help you think differently and encourage a more positive outlook on life, yourself and your future.
The fear of flying is like any other fear; created in the mind. It is very common and affects around 1 in 10 people in the UK*. Our conscious mind knows that flying is statistically the safest form of transport and yet our subconscious mind is anxious about factors like being suspended at 31,000 feet in the air, with no control over what happens. The fear of flying can stem from issues with control, feeling trapped and/or putting the trust of your safety in others.
If we have a fear of flying, we can experience high levels of anticipatory anxiety leading up to a flight, physical symptoms such as heavy breathing, rapid heart rate, nausea and sweating before or during a flight and sometimes we even picture catastrophic scenes that cause us distress.
Overcoming the fear of flying through hypnotherapy involves quieting the subconscious mind and replacing habitual fearful thought patterns with confidence and calmness.
There are lots of behaviours our children exhibit that may be worrying to us as parents and it is more common for a child to suffer from a phobia or an anxiety disorder than an adult. The sooner we are able to get them help, the better the outcome and the less of an effect their issues will have on them in adulthood.
Issues like bedwetting, thumb-sucking, stuttering, school phobia and ADHD are very common and can be really hard to cope with for the parent and the child.
One of the reasons that hypnotherapy for children can be so effective is that children are naturally more imaginative. Our therapist’s treatment might include the use of stories and adventures, such as meeting a superhero or even a character from a favourite TV programme. Even an older child can often be open to using their imagination, but as they are already more sophisticated in their thinking, we would format their treatment accordingly.
We have over 15 years of experience in hypnotherapy and our team is made up of several team members who are highly experienced in working with children of all ages.
Issues with sex are very common, around 1 in 10 men and 1 in 3 women experience sexual problems at some point in their lives*. It can affect anyone indiscriminate of age, sexuality or gender and is often accompanied by shame or embarrassment due to these issues not being widely discussed in our society.
Issues like erectile dysfunction, vaginismus, loss of sex drive and anorgasmia are commonly caused by psychological issues and therefore can be explored and corrected through hypnotherapy.
Hypnotherapy will address your underlying and limiting beliefs and/or your perception of a trauma in your past that is blocking sexual function. Once these beliefs and experiences are addressed, your therapist will use suggestion to change your subconscious negative thoughts around sex to positive ones.
Approximately 16 million adults in the UK suffer from some kind of sleep issue, and we average at just 6.8 hours of sleep per night. The recommended number of hours sleep per night is between 7 and 9 and anything less can affect our cognitive function in the following days. In 1910 people slept an average of 9 hours a night and since 1985 the percentage of adults getting less than 6 hours of sleep a night has increased by 31%.
Our bodies need sleep to function, the benefits of enough sleep include; improved memory and problem-solving skills, uplifted mood, improved immune system and the ability to maintain a healthy body weight.
Hypnotherapy can be an effective method to combat your issues with sleep. It works by reprogramming the subconscious mind’s habits when it comes to sleep, as well as lowering tension and anxiety for a clearer, calmer mind.
Carrie Wilkerson
Find out more about our fees at the Hampshire Hypnotherapy & Counselling Centre Southampton here.
For more information email us at info@hantshypno.co.uk